
The Gate

Canon 400D, Canon EF-S 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 USM
ISO 100 - 1/400sec - f/8
Location: Roman Agora, Monastiraki, Athens, Greece

The Gate of Athena Archegetis is in the west side of the Roman Agora. It was built between 19 and 11 BC. The monumental entrance has a row of four Doric columns and a pedestal made of Pentelic marble. It was constructed in BC with the donations of Julius Caesar and Augustus and was dedicated by the people of Athens to their patroness, Athena Archegetics.
It is considered to be the second most prominent remain in the site after the Tower of the Winds. [ ref: wikipedia.org]

Technical: This time, on the pp phase, i tryed the sharpen + sharpen more filter function and fill 10% on the layer. It is a common technique to bring out details of the image and saddly noices too.

1 comment:

KingFai said...

Very artistic perspective! I like it!